Sunsook Roh is an installation sculptor and interactive performance artist based in New York. She has exhibited installation sculpture and performed in New York, Japan, Singapore, Turkey, and Korea. Selected exhibitions and performances include “The Reconstruction Biennial,” Exit Art, New York, “Form,” Korean Cultural Center, New York, “JAALA Exchange Exhibition,” Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art, “Tree of Life V,” solo show at Sculpture Square, Singapore, “2010 Asia Contemporary Art / Now and Next,” Guangju National Museum, Korea, “Displacement:6” Institute of Contemporary Art, Singapore, and “Synaptic Tales” at the SPACEWOMb Gallery, New York, and “Originally and Truthfully, Tree of Life VI,” VADA Project, Singapore. Sunsook Roh obtained a BFA majoring in Sculpture with a minor in Art History from Parsons School of Design, New York. She also obtained a MFA in Sculpture from Bard College, New York.


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